Jonathan and Emily: Love Conquers All

           From the very beginning, it felt like a lost cause. Emily had good friends, a smile like a sunrise, and impeccable taste. I had an eternally twisted tongue, a tattered tweed coat, and a long list of failure. I still don't know why I kept trying. At every stage, I felt like I was battering my head against a solid wall.  But if there's one thing I know about the male species, it is this: we are stubborn creatures. 
           Emily and I didn't have classes together or friends in common, even though we attended the same small private college. Somehow or another, however, we were bound to meet. Emily remembers seeing me at a bonfire one night during her freshman year. She had seen me around campus before (keep in mind, our college was quite small), but this time was different. This time it seemed to her that I was following her as she moved around the bonfire.  I don't recall this particular detail, but I certainly don't deny the possibility. Now, I know what you're thinking. That doesn't sound like a good start to a healthy relationship. I tend to agree. But keep reading, for our story didn't end there.
           For some reason, we began chatting online. To this day, I don't remember when or why, but I'm glad we did.  However, at the time this development didn't give me much hope.  In my experience, relationships built on the internet are shallow at best and deceitful at worst. But despite my misgivings, I couldn't argue with the flutter I felt in my chest every time she signed on. So we talked (about nothing important of course), and I kept this little hope alive, unwilling to let it die.

Stay tuned for the rest of the story...

1 comment:

  1. Jonathan Eastman. This is beautifully written. I am looking forward with anticipation at the next installment! I love how much you love her!
